Upload WEBP Images in WordPress

Do you want to Upload WEBP Format Images on your WordPress Website?

In this blog post, we will tell you how you can Upload WEBP Format Images on your WordPress Website.

WEBP Images: Introduction

First of all, let me explain what WEBP images are.

WebP is an image format developed and first released by Google in 2010. It supports encoding images in both lossless and lossy formats, making it a versatile format for any type of visual media, and a great alternative format to both PNG or JPEG. WebP’s visual quality is often comparable to more ubiquitous formats.

In short, WEBP Images are alternative to PNG and JPEG images. But WEBP Images will be smaller than PNG and JPEG Images.

There are not many disadvantages of WEBP images. But one of the biggest disadvantages of WEBP images is browser support. WEBP is the new format of images, which is not supported by all browsers. So if any browser does not support WEBP format, then your website’s images will not load or show.

But this problem is solving time by time. Chrome is the most used browser and it supports WEBP format images. 77% percentage of the desktop browser market share is acquired by Google Chrome. In mobile browser market share 64% is acquired by Google Chrome. 

Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari (for IOS), Opera support WEBP Images.

Safari browser (for macOS) does not fully support WEBP format images yet. Also, Internet Explorer does not support WEBP format images. But Microsoft will soon replace Internet Explorer with Microsoft Edge.

At this time, most of the browsers support WEBP format images. According to Can I Use 94.41% of browsers support WEBP Images. You can see the supported browsers list in the below image.

Upload WEBP Images in WordPress without adding any extra plugins Can I Use WEBP Images Browser Support

Benefits of using WEBP Images

Create WEBP Images

Next Question? How to make WEBP Images?

Let me tell you how I do it. First I make my images in PNG format in my favorite software. Then I use Covertio online tool which can convert PNG images into WEBP images. This is the best way of creating WEBP images.

Upload WEBP Images in WordPress

If you try to Upload WEBP Images on your WordPress website directly, WordPress doesn’t allow you to do that. You will be shown the following error. It will say that “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.”

Upload WEBP Images in WordPress without adding any extra plugins WordPress Error of Uploading WEBP Images

Follow the step-by-step tutorial and after that, you will able to Upload WEBP Images on your WordPress website without adding any extra plugin.

Step 1: Copy the following code.

function webp_upload_mimes( $existing_mimes ) {

// add webp to the list of mime types

$existing_mimes['webp'] = 'image/webp';

// return the array back to the function with our added mime type

return $existing_mimes;


add_filter( 'mime_types', 'webp_upload_mimes' );

//** * Enable preview / thumbnail for webp image files.*/

function webp_is_displayable($result, $path) {

if ($result === false) {

$displayable_image_types = array( IMAGETYPE_WEBP );

$info = @getimagesize( $path );

if (empty($info)) {

$result = false;

} elseif (!in_array($info[2], $displayable_image_types)) {

$result = false;

} else {

$result = true;



return $result;


add_filter('file_is_displayable_image', 'webp_is_displayable', 10, 2);

Step 2: Open your WordPress Admin dashboard. After that hover on Appearance.

Step 3: You will see the option – Theme Editor. Click on that. 

Upload WEBP Images in WordPress without adding any extra plugins Theme Editor

Step 4: Now you will see a coding panel. In the sidebar, you will Theme Files section. In that section, you have to find Function.php named Theme Functions. Click on that.

Upload WEBP Images in WordPress without adding any extra plugins Functions.php

Step 5: Now paste the code at the last lines. After that click on the update file button.

Upload WEBP Images in WordPress without adding any extra plugins Paste Code

Step 6: Hooray, It is done now. Now You can upload WEBP Images to your WordPress website directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

By default, WordPress does not allow its users to upload WEBP images. But you can upload WEBP images in your WordPress website without adding any extra plugin by following this tutorial.

WEBP is a new and modern image format developed by Google. WEBP is the same as PNG and JPG. It has all the same features which PNG and JPG have but it will take less size than PNG and JPG images.

By using WEBP images we can reduce image size. Ultimately by using WEBP images we can reduce our website page size, which will help to load the website faster.

According to Can I Use 94.41% of browsers support WEBP Images. Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari (IOS), Opera Browser all these browsers support WEBP Images.

But Safari (macOS) does not fully support WEBP Images. and also Internet explorer does not support WEBP Images.


I hope that after reading this article carefully, you will be able to Upload WEBP images on your WordPress website without adding any extra Plugins.

If you can not still Upload WEBP images, please comment down below in the comment section. I will reply and help you to solve this problem.

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